China risks 'middle income trap' without free market revolution
China’s spectacular catch-up growth is nearing its limits, leaving the country
prey to the "middle income trap" over coming years unless Beijing
embraces the free market and relaxes its suffocating grip over the economy.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
A joint report by the World Bank and China’s Development Research Centre has warned that the low-hanging fruit of state-driven industrialization is largely exhausted.
"As China’s leaders know, the country’s current growth model is unsustainable," said Robert Zoellick, the World Bank’s president. "This is not the time just for muddling through. It’s time to get ahead of events."
Countries across Latin America and the Middle East saw catch-up growth in the 1960s and 1970s but then they hit an invisible ceiling and have mostly languished in the "middle income trap" ever since, with per capita incomes far behind the rare "break-out" states such as Japan and Korea. "If countries cannot increase productivity through innovation, they find themselves trapped. China does not have to endure this fate," it said.
There is no doubt that the existing model has hit the buffers on every front and risks "unbearable friction" with trading partners unless the trade surplus is brought under control.
China is running out of cheap labour from the countryside and faces a "wrenching demographic change" as the old-aged dependency ratio doubles to North European levels within 20 years, and is fast depleting aquifers in the North China plains.
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It can no longer rely on imported technology to keep up blistering growth averaging 9.9pc since Deng Xiaoping began to throw open the economy in 1978 and unleashed the nation’s pent-up commercial energy. "China has reached another turning point in its development path when a second strategic, and no less fundamental, shift is called for," it said.
The report has been seized upon by Politburo reformers battling hardliners and vested interests. Li Keqiang, groomed to take over as premier this year, offered his "unwavering support" for the findings.
He faces tenacious resistance from factions within the party, who insist that the country’s resilience through the global capitalist heart attack of 2008-2009 has vindicated state control of key industries and banks.
The report said China’s growth will slow to 7pc later this decade and 5pc by the late 2020s even if China embraces deep reform. Stagnation lies in wait if it clings to the dirigiste model.
"The forces supporting China’s continued rapid progress are gradually fading. The government’s dominance in key sectors, while earlier an advantage, is in the future likely to act as a constraint on creativity," it said.
"The role of the private sector is critical because innovation at the technology frontier is quite different in nature from catching up technologically. It is not something that can be achieved through government planning."
The picture is complex. China already lets local leaders embark on bold experiments under its strategy of "crossing the river by feeling the stones", permitting a mosaic of different policies that marks it out from other catch-up economies.
However, the country clearly needs to hack away a thicket of impediments, starting with the semi-feudal Hukou system that denies rural migrants rights to urban registration, or access to healthcare, education and housing in the cities.
The report said a quarter of China’s state companies are loss-making and have a productivity growth rate two-thirds lower than private firms, yet they gobble up available credit. Those private companies that resort to the parallel market for credit face grave risks, and one leading tycoon faces the death penalty.
Restructuring these state behemoths cost 20pc of GDP in the early 1990s, and it will be worse this time since the investment bubble has been much larger. "Potential costs of reforming state enterprises may have climbed significantly because opaque accounting practices mean that some state enterprises have accumulated large contingent liabilities that will need to be revealed," it said.
If all goes well, China will be a "high-income" economy by 2030 and perhaps as dominant as Britain in 1870 or the United States in 1945, or indeed as flourishing as the Qing Empire itself in 1820 before the onset of catastrophic decline. Politics will decide.