Turning a blind eye at Olympus
The crisis engulfing Olympus Corporation is certainly eye-catching, involving as it does huge, ill-explained losses and a most un-Japanese outbreak of in-fighting at the very top of the company. The recently sacked British chief executive has now taken a dossier of evidence about its activities to the UK’s Serious Fraud Office. So much for consensus management.
The bare facts are bad enough. Olympus, a respected Japanese maker of optical equipment, has burnt through $1.3bn – or about a quarter of its fast-dwindling market value – on a series of ill-explained and frankly incomprehensible deals and fee payments. These appear to have been played down over a number of years.
Many questions still need answering. For instance, Olympus has yet to explain how it managed to purchase three companies in unrelated businesses, only to write off 76 per cent of the $773m aggregate price within a year of completion. Nor has it revealed why it paid advisory fees amounting to $687m on the $2bn acquisition of a UK company, Gyrus, let alone who actually received the money.
But what is clear is that the company’s shareholders derived little or no benefit from these decisions, which appear to have been made by a small cabal of senior executives, unchecked by a poodle-like board. Full explanations must be forthcoming. In their absence, the only logical conclusion to be drawn is that those involved were either incompetent or corrupt.
Much has been made of the fact that it was a Briton, Michael Woodford, who exposed the black hole. Perhaps more telling is that he stumbled across the affair in the summer only when a Japanese magazine published allegations about misconduct at Olympus.
In spite of efforts to tighten corporate governance at Japanese companies in recent years, significant gaps remain. The Olympus affair appears to highlight pretty much all of them: the absence of a proper system of accountability for senior executives; a cultural aversion to rocking the boat; weak disclosure standards; and the lack of effective shareholder oversight.
Olympus shareholders probably have no choice but to eat their losses. But the Japanese authorities should act to save other companies from a similar fate. Japan’s manufacturing prowess is considerable, but the value created is often poorly husbanded by the financial practices of corporate Japan. Without better governance, these will continue both to stifle the dynamism of Japanese industry and to drag on growth.