

'Goldman Conspiracy' helps China defeat U.S.

Goldman's 'ultimate goal is hunting and killing China,' warns Li Delin, the Chinese author of 'The Goldman Sachs Conspiracy,' a bestseller in China.

Li is not as visually dramatic as Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone picture of Goldman as a 'great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.' But Li's Chinese readers love his 'Goldman Sachs knows when to go for your neck' like a 'Manchurian tiger.'

But is the Goldman Conspiracy really a threat to China? That's a joke, right?

It's the exact opposite. In fact, it should be obvious that China is actually a 'great vampire squid wrapped around the face of Goldman, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like Goldman's capital, talent and connections.'

Then, eventually, in a generation, by 2040, China will suck the life out of Goldman. At the same time, back here stateside, China must be quietly cheering as America's 'bloodsucking vampire squid' sucks the life out of our capitalism and democracy, as the Goldman Conspiracy's insatiable greed aggressively sabotages America from within.

Get it? China is very effectively using the out-of-control Goldman Conspiracy greed machine as a vital weapon in China's two-pronged global strategy against America, over in China and back here in America. And tragically, Goldman's insatiable greed is so blinding that Goldman has lost the ability to see the long-term consequences of its sad un-American behavior.

Today, the Goldman Conspiracy is America's unfortunate Black Swan, a Trojan Horse helping our enemy abroad, undermining our economy back home.
China: $123 trillion economy by 2040, three times bigger than America

All this became obvious while reading the Foreign Policy Journal. Earlier this year Nobel economist Robert W. Fogel of the University of Chicago published a feature article in Foreign Policy titled: '$123,000,000,000,000: Why China's Economy Will Grow to $123 Trillion by 2040.'

It's crucial to see why China is so successful, so prosperous while Americans are trapped in a paranoid self-destructive culture, why we're blinded, virtually incapable of thinking outside a box that's projecting years of high unemployment ... as our suicidal war economy continues eating up roughly 50% of our tax dollars ... as our ideological battles dig us deeper into debt ... as our press keeps distracting us, focusing narrowly on self-serving warmongering wingnuts ... as the actions of partisan leaders irresponsibly and unconsciously aid and abet China's grand strategy to replace America as the world's economic superpower ... and as the Goldman Conspiracy sabotages us from within.

Read this and weep, or get mad as hell: By 2040, in just one generation, 30 years, here's how Fogel sees the rapidly emerging new world order, with China as the world's sole superpower economy and America a distant second, a has-been on the global stage, thanks in part to the Goldman Conspiracy and its influence on so many bad decisions in recent years. Fogel warns:

'In 2040, the Chinese economy will reach $123 trillion, or nearly three times the economic output of the entire globe in 2000. China's per-capita income will hit $85,000, more than double the forecast for the European Union, and also much higher than that of India and Japan. In other words, the average Chinese megacity dweller will be living twice as well as the average Frenchman when China goes from a poor country in 2000 to a superrich country in 2040.

'Although it will not have overtaken the United States in per-capita wealth, according to my forecasts China's share of global GDP -- 40% -- will dwarf that of the United States (14%) and the European Union (5%) 30 years from now. This is what economic hegemony will look like' by 2040.

Yes, in one generation China's economy will be almost three times bigger than America's economy while our kids, the next generation of Americans, will still be digging out of the war deficits we've been piling on since 2000.

Fogel sees six reasons America will lose in this race with China:

1. China is rapidly turning into a capitalist consumer economy

Yes, 'China's long-repressed consumerist tendencies' are exploding, says Fogel: 'In many ways, China is the most capitalist country in the world right now.' Get it? While we waste money fighting wars, while Goldman and Wall Street are transforming America into a plutocracy concentrating wealth in the hands of a few, China is becoming more capitalistic (and democratic).

'In the big Chinese cities, living standards and per-capita income are at the level of countries the World Bank would deem 'high middle income,' with a clear, growing affinity for acquiring clothes, electronics, fast food, automobiles.' That's China's future. Why? Because their new 'government has made the judgment that increasing domestic consumption will be critical to China's economy, and a host of domestic policies now aim to increase Chinese consumers' appetite for acquisitions.'

2. China's political system is now more capitalist than America's

'The Chinese political system is likely not what you think,' says Fogel. Beijing is not always the boss: 'Most economic reforms, including the most successful ones, have been locally driven and overseen.' Today there's 'more criticism and debate in upper echelons of policymaking than many realize.'

Fogel attends meetings of the Chinese Economists Society. Many economists are openly 'critical of the Chinese government,' will even 'point out that the latest decision by the finance ministry is flawed or raise concerns about a proposed adjustment to the prices of electricity and coal ... even publish a critical letter in a Beijing newspaper.' Then a finance minister will meet and explore the ideas.

'Chinese economic planning has become much more responsive and open to new ideas than it was in the past.' Yes, more capitalistic, and perhaps more democratic than us.

3. China's massive new investments in education

Fogel emphasizes that China is making 'enormous investments' in education. And 'educated workers are much more productive workers. ... college-educated workers are three times as productive ... a high school graduate is 1.8 times as productive as a worker with less than a ninth-grade education.'

'China will be able to increase its high school enrollment rate to the neighborhood of 100% and the college rate to about 50% over the next generation' adding 'more than 6 percentage points to the country's annual economic growth rate.' Meanwhile, America wastes trillions fighting wars, running up massive debts, shortchanging education, letting China win the race to 2040.

4. China's rural economy of 700 million adding to growth rate

When envisioning the future, we 'picture Shanghai high-rises and Guangdong factories,' says Fogel. 'But changes afoot in the Chinese countryside have made it an under-appreciated economic engine.'

From 1978 to 2003 China's labor productivity averaged about 6% annually in industry and services. But in the future, productivity rates will increase for those still living in rural areas, over half of China, about 700 million. 'That large rural sector is responsible for about a third of Chinese economic growth today,' and will keep growing as the next generation adds another hundred million to China.

5. China's government statistics actually underreporting progress

Fogel warns us not to be fooled by reports that 'Chinese data are flawed or deliberately inflated in key ways.' Just the opposite: 'Chinese statisticians may well be underestimating economic progress.'

In the service sector 'small firms often don't report their numbers to the government and officials often fail to adequately account for improvements in the quality of output.' As in America, 'official estimates of GDP badly underestimate national growth' because they don't 'take into account improvements in services such as education and health care.'

Why? Because 'most great advances in these areas aren't fully counted in GDP.' This is a problem worldwide, 'but the rapid growth of China's service sector makes the underestimation more pronounced.'

6. By 2040 China will be the world's sole super-economy ... again

'To the West, the notion of a world in which the center of global economic gravity lies in Asia may seem unimaginable. But it wouldn't be the first time. ... China was the world's largest economy for 18 of the past 20 centuries. ... While Europe was fumbling in the Dark Ages and fighting disastrous religious wars, China cultivated the highest standards of living in the world. Today, the notion of a rising China is, in Chinese eyes, merely a return to the status quo.'

So thanks in a large part to the Goldman Conspiracy -- whose capital, talent and connections are being siphoned off by China, while the same Goldman Conspiracy sabotages capitalism and democracy here in America -- China will be the world's sole superpower by 2040 with an economy three times bigger than America's.



馬特•泰比(Matt Taibbi)在滾石雜志(Rolling Stone)上形容高盛是“一只纏繞在人性面孔上的吸血大烏賊,無情地把吸管插入任何聞起來像錢之物”。李德林的描寫雖然不及這段文字那么富于視覺震撼力,不過他說高盛像一頭“東北虎”,“知道什么時候掐你的脖子”,這樣的描寫很能引來中國讀者的共鳴。



最終,一代人之后,到2040年,中國就可以把高盛給徹底吸干。與此同時,美國的狀況也會令中國暗暗竊喜,貪得無厭的高盛從內部挖了美國的 角,這個“吸血大烏賊”把美國的資本主義制度和民主制度都給吸干了。


如今,高盛對于美國來說就是不祥的黑天鵝,是幫助外敵、挖自家經濟 角的特洛伊木馬。

看看《外交政策雜志》(Foreign Policy Journal),上述這一切便都明了了。今年早些時候,諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)的福格爾(Robert W. Fogel)教授在該雜志上發表了一篇文章,題為:123,000,000,000,000美元:為什么到2040年中國經濟總量會達到123萬億美元。







1. 中國正在快速轉型為資本主義消費經濟


“ 在中國的大城市,居民的生活水準和人均收入已經達到世界銀行認定的‘中高收入’水平,服裝、電子產品、快餐、汽車的獲得都很便利,而且是越來越便利。”這就是中國的未來。原因何在?因為他們的新“政府已經認定,國內消費的增長對于中國經濟來說至關重要,政府出臺了大量的促進消費者消費欲望的國內政策。”

2. 中國目前的政治體系資本主義化更甚于美國


福格爾參加過多次中國留美經濟學會(Chinese Economists Society)的會議。該學會很多經濟學家公開“批評中國政府”,甚至會“指出財政部最近的決策有失誤,對電力和煤炭的指導調價措施提出疑慮……甚至在北京的報紙上刊登批評信”。隨后會有某位財政部長來接見這些經濟學家,探討他們的見解。


3. 中國最近對教育的大手筆投入



4. 中國七億人口的農村經濟為經濟增長添磚加瓦


從 1978年到2003年,中國工業及服務業中的勞動生產率平均為每年6%,而在未來,農村地區的勞動生產率將增長,中國有七億農民,占了中國總人口的一半以上。“如今,遼闊的鄉村為中國經濟增長做出了大約三分之一的貢獻”,隨著下一代中國鄉村人口增加一億,農村對中國經濟的貢獻率還將進一步增長。

5. 中國政府的數據其實是低報了中國的經濟發展




6. 到2040年,中國將再次成為全球唯一的一個超級經濟大國

“ 在西方人看來,全球經濟中心位于亞洲的世界格局是難以想象的。不過這種情況并非前所未有……在過去2000年的1800年中,中國一直都是全球最強大的經濟體……當歐洲還處于黑暗時代、陷于宗教戰爭的紛飛戰火之時,中國卻滋養出了全世界最高的生活水準。如今,在中國人眼里,中國的崛起不過是一次輝煌的回歸而已。”

到2040年,中國將成為全世界唯一的超級經濟大國,擁有四倍于美國的經濟總量,這在很大程度上要歸功于高盛陰謀──這邊廂,高盛在大肆開挖美國的資本主義和民主 角,那邊廂,高盛的資本、人才和人脈也正在被中國一點一點給吸干。
